September 10 - October 13, 2016
Opening Reception Saturday, September 10, 1-3pm, refreshments provided.
Open to new and existing members in good standing of the Lakeside Palette Club of St. Clair Shores (LPC), the Mount Clemens Art Association (MCAA), and the Warren Tri-County Fine Arts Association, Inc. (WTCFA). Juried by Edward Duff. Our shared theme for this show is inspired by our local Farmer's Markets, such as the Mount Clemens market, St. Clair Shores market, Warren market, and Eastern market in Detroit.
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Artwork Delivery: Wednesday, September 7, 11:00AM-5:00PM on the second floor of the Anton Art Center (125 Macomb Place, Mount Clemens, MI 48043). Group member volunteers needed. *Must submit labeled artwork, entry fee payment & completed entry form to be eligible for jurying.
Click to View and/or Download:
List of Accepted Artwork (Available in September)